But my emotions taste so good…

Let me tell you, I have been eating my emotions for months now.  And although the emotional eating streak was fun… it’s time to get back to what makes me feel good – and that is feeling good.


Before you say ‘Lindsy, now is not the time to worry about what you’re eating and how much you weigh’’ – I want to tell you that it is actually the exact perfect time for me to do that. And I’ll tell you why.


First things first, I need to admit to myself where I am. So, since the beginning of November I have gained 10lbs… ok 12lbs. 13 – does it matter?! Oh wait that’s the point, to be honest, it’s 13lbs. That may not seem like a lot to some of you, and it may seem like a shit ton to others.


For me though, it is the exact amount of weight I worked my ass off (literally) to get rid of a long time ago. I always hovered around a number, and then one day with a few habit changes, the number changed, and it hovered at a much better place. It is no longer in that place. I need to do something about it before it gets even more difficult to come back when this is all over.


And this is what’s important, the reason why now is the best time to worry about what I’m eating.


  1. I can’t do much moving. I used to rely on exercise to be able to eat a lot of food, all day long. The right food yes, but still – a lot. Exercises builds a strong body and burns energy. If I can’t exercise much then I need to be especially focused on my nutrition.
  2. My body needs fuel that will strengthen it, not weaken it.
  3. Too much inflammation. All over. Everywhere. The chemo is literally poison in my body and it makes me puffy. My body needs food that will not cause more inflammation. Check.


So I am up against a lot right now. Chemo doesn’t make it easy to feel good about yourself both inside and out. I plan to do some positive emotional eating, and do you know what that is? Eat means eating better so you feel better in general, and you might lose some weight which feels good, and you gain confidence which feels hella good. All in all: GOOD.


Right now I need to do whatever I need to do to feel comfortable in my own skin. Right now, I need to focus and take care of me, and do exactly what the happy, fit me used to do – which is live pretty much the same life, but with less take out, pizza and carbs.


We all love to eat food. And often our favorite meals aren’t exactly super good for you. So, in order to make eating healthy not suck, I like to swap out certain ingredients in each meal to create a healthier version of it. Here are some of my favorite healthy food swaps!

SWAP pasta noodles for ZUCHINNI SPIRALS          …………… SWAP tortilla shells for LETTUCE WRAPS

SWAP rice noodles for SHIRATAKI NOODLES         …………… SWAP hamburger buns for PORTABELLO MUSHROOM CAPS

SWAP crackers for APPLE SLICES                                ………….. SWAP juice for FRUIT & VEG INFUSED WATER

SWAP bread crumbs for GROUND ALMONDS          ………….. SWAP mashed potatoes for MASHED CAULIFLOWER

SWAP French fries for BAKED ZUCCHINI FRIES    …………… SWAP spaghetti noodles for SPAGHETTI SQUASH

These changes will do wonders for your weight loss and healthy eating goals, plus a major benefit is that you can eat more! THAT is something I’ve always been willing to get behind, you should try too!