When real gets really real

Oh how easy it is to show all the highlights on the ‘gram, and how hard it is to show everything else! Like pictures that aren’t flattering, for example.


I get a lot of positive feedback from my supporters for being so open, real and willing to share all sides of my experiences. So, I felt it was important to show a picture like this, of my very current situation, even though it makes me very uncomfortable.


This is as real as it gets, my  friends. No makeup, heavily medicated, terrible hospital lighting, post cry, frustrated and angry, not feeling good, and straight up GRUMPY. Let’s just say positivity was not winning at this very moment… Things are not always peachy my friends! And I’m happy to share that, so I can always be equally happy when things ARE peachy!


I was hospitalized this past Monday evening (two days ago) because I had a fever and my white blood cell count was too low to be sent home. It is likely my body had been fighting some kind of minor infection or virus, and after chemo you simply do not have enough of the right stuff to fight on your own.


I’ve been receiving antibiotics, pain medication and shots to increase my white blood cell counts, along with monitoring to make sure I’m on the mend – which by the way, I definitely am.


I spent the first 24 hours in the ER, and have been moved upstairs to the Cancer ward since. You know what’s weird? Being a cancer patient, in the cancer ward… it’s another weird thing that you’d never expect to happen to you… and it still doesn’t feel real. I am not sure if it ever will!


I am hoping to go home today, as are the doctors. As long as my body continues to respond to the medication and no new complications come up – I’ll be free as a bird to continue to recover at home.


The silver lining in all of this?? The fact that this is the very last time something like this will come up because CHEMO IS OVER! Also, my doctors are so on top of my care it still surprises me. I cannot believe how much care and attention my situation gets whenever something like this comes up. I appreciate it so much!


Also, as always – I never have anything to worry about with my kids or my life because my husband, friends and family are always there in a heartbeat to step up and make sure everything continues to run smoothly while I step away.


Silver lining my friends, search for it, hold on to it. Positivity always wins in the end! Even if it takes a minute to find… My cute body guard (pictured below) always helps too.